Private Tours
We are a small certified organic seed farm and plant nursery, growing and distributing 260+ seed crops, 24+ soft fruit varieties and other food and medicine plants.
New in 2022, we are pleased to welcome people of all ages to our farm, to share our knowledge and to offer a unique educational experience in our community.

About The Tour:
Guided tour includes a hands-on learning exploration of the farm and discussion around growing seed crops, food security and native plants.
Participate in gathering season-specific seed crops, herbs and flowers and take home your own individual Metchosin Farm seed package.
Meet the farm animals and adventure through the winding scenic paths of our wildflower meadow (June-August) or walk around beautiful SeaBluff trail.
Suitable for all ages, including families and those with mobility challenges. Please no dogs as we are a working farm with livestock.

Tour Duration: 1-1.5 Hours
Group size: 10-15 people per group
Cost: $250
To Prepare: Dress in layers, sturdy footwear, hat, sunscreen

For More Information or to Book a Tour:
Send us an email: info@metchosinfarm.ca
Contact Shannon Carman: 250.415.7977